Benefits of working with a Virtual Assistant or Virtual PA

Benefits of working with a Virtual Assistant or Virtual PA

Using a Virtual PA in Oxford

Using a Virtual Assistant in Poole

I know there are at least three significant advantages of working with a Virtual Assistant or Virtual PA. (Not taking into account the many smaller benefits).  I know that this is correct from the feedback I have had over the years from my clients.  They have:

  • Grow their businesses
  • Taken holidays
  • Re-balanced their lives

myPA have been Virtual Assistants and Virtual PAs since 2005 so we have had a lot of feedback


Twitter for Business – does it work?

Twitter for Business – does it work?

Twitter for business – does it work? well, I have had a twitter account for some time now, and to be honest, I go through stages where I love it and can spend hours looking at posts and updates. Indeed, this is how I became a Virtual International Speaker on Networking. There are times however when I just want to hit my head against a brick wall. There is some much information on twitter it can be difficult to figure out which information is valuable, which is a waste of time and which is pure dribble.
